(And for those who argue that the ecological cost of disposables is about equal to the cost of reusables when you factor in the water and electricity necessary to wash them, check out these two articles: Article by a Dartmouth ecologist and Article from Slate).
I should add the obvious caveat, though, that our baby isn't even born yet-- we've done a lot of research, and have prepared what we can ahead of time, but the fact is that different diapers work for different babies, depending on the shape of their legs and bellies, and whether they're heavy or light wetters, etc. etc. So I'll be updating here periodically with what has worked, what hasn't, and what we'd do differently next time.
First, the options.
All cloth diapers have two parts: the absorbent inner layer, and the waterproof outer layer. There are three main types of cloth diapers:
1) "prefolds" with separate covers
2) pocket diapers
3) All-in-ones.
Let's start with the most basic:
1) Prefolds and Covers.
Prefolds are what our parents used on us. They are, essentially, big squares of ultra-absorbent, multi-layered cotton (or hemp, or whatever) that you fold and then fasten around the baby. These are by far the cheapest option, since even organic cotton prefolds only cost a few dollars apiece. This is also the type of diaper most commonly used by diaper services, so if you think you'd want to avail yourself of a service, you should get comfortable with this type of diaper.
Our initial stash includes a LOT of prefolds in various sizes and from various brands. Here's what we have to start:
The yellow and red bordered dipes are organic cotton "cloth-eez" prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers. Yellow is the "small" infant size (bigger than newborn, though you could fold them down to use on a tiny newborn if you wanted. You'd just end up with more diaper than baby); red is size medium. We won't start using either of those regularly for a while. (12 of each)
The blue-bordered white diapers are cotton prefolds by Oso-Cozy (purchased on Amazon), newborn size. (12 of these)
The plain, bright-white diapers are cotton prefolds by Gerber for newborns. (12 of these)
The slightly off-white borderless dipes to the left are organic cotton prefolds by Bummi for newborns (6 of these).
So we only actually have 30 newborn-sized prefolds at the moment; plus 12 each of slightly larger sizes. I'm sure we'll add to this stash later once we decide what brands work best for us.
But that only covers the absorbent inner layer. What happens when baby pees? Yep, it soaks up and wicks right through onto your lap, or the car seat, or the crib sheets. So you need some kind of waterproof outer layer to contain that mess. Again, there are several options, and almost all of them come in really cute patterns and colors.
1) You can make your own wool or fleece covers, or buy knitted covers online or from natural baby stores. (I suck at knitting so I didn't even consider this option. Maybe I'll commission a more talented friend to do this in the future.)
2) Various brands of diaper covers made with Polyurethane Laminate (PUL), which is soft and flexible, unlike the scrunchy plastic pant-things that our parents used on us.
We went with option (2). And here's the thing: you don't actually need to change the diaper cover every time you change the prefold. This depends on how messy the diaper is, obviously-- if there's yuckiness on the diaper cover, change it. But I'm told you can get away with using just a couple diaper covers in a day. Here's our initial diaper cover stash:
3 newborn-sized lite wraps (hand-me-downs from friends). |
3 size small lite wraps (hand-me-downs from friends) |
TwoThirsties "size one" (fits 6-18 pounds using those adjustable snaps) |
One Bummis size small (fits 8-16 pounds, again with adjustable snaps and velcro) |
We also have a couple larger-sized covers for later on, but this should give a sense of the range of styles and colors.
But wait! You want to know how to fold these things and attach them to a baby, right? There are a few options.
The easiest is this-- just fold the prefold into thirds and tuck it into the diaper cover. If it doesn't quite fit, just fold down the extra cotton at the back before folding it into thirds.
Alternatively, you can attach the prefold to the baby using the modern equivalent of diaper pins, called "Snappis," and then slap a cover on over that.
(Clearly, that is not my baby. Thanks to Green Mountain Diapers for those images.)
There are different ways of folding prefolds, but since I think we'll at least start with the standard fold-it-into-the-cover method, I'll wait to describe alternative folds until I actually try them on a real baby.
That's it for prefolds and covers.
Now, 2) pocket diapers.
A pocket diaper has the same basic parts as a prefold and cover: an absorbent inner layer and a waterproof outer layer. But a pocket diaper's outer layer has a pocket in the waterproof part that you tuck an absorbent layer into. These are a great option for people who feel intimidated by all the folding that goes with prefolds and covers.
And here's what we have the way of pocket diapers to start with: